Hacking is derived by merging two words HACK and ING i.e. Hack and its working.


Technically, Hacking is an art of exploring un-common things or modifying things to achieve uncommon functionalities.

But nowadays this definition is altered because of our Media and few old folks who even don’t know how many keys are there on keyboard or don’t even know how to pronounce the word Computer.

Our cool Media has represented Hacking as an art of deceiving web users to achieve malicious goals. I was watching NDTV and other TV news channels, this is how they have defined the word Hacking and they categorized all smart internet and computer users as criminals.

So friends, don’t get demotivated by things that you see on media or hear from folks. They are saying it bad because it is represented as bad to them by our media.

Actually it’s not only media who is responsible for this. It’s us also. Why so?
Because when my friend frankly asked people, why you want to learn Hacking? This is the reply what he got:-

1. I want to hack my friends emails and Facebook  40%
2. I want to have fun  30%
3. I want to become security professional or Ethical Hacker  15%
4. I want to see what my girlfriend is doing  11%
5. I want to take revenge 3%
6. I want to learn cool stuff 1%
See only 16% people (15% Ethical hackers + 1% learn cool stuff) want to learn ethical hacking for good reasons.

So now what about you readers and you mindset regarding hacking ???

Tell me in comments…..